Does Houston Rebuilt Axles service vehicles in Lexington, Kentucky?
Residents in Lexington have the same access to rebuilt axle repair services available to the rest of the United States. Our courier delivery service has made our expert repair team available to service even the farthest reaches of our country. Axle repair is our specialty, and our expert rebuilds are made with the highest in quality OEM parts and are carefully inspected to meet warranty approval.
There is no reason to risk your vehicles health and safety with junkyard axles any more. Pick and pull parts often have a questionable quality that may end up needing a repairs in the near future that could end up costing you more. Call Houston Rebuilt Axles today for a quick and free quote that could ultimately save you money down the road.
What are custom axle builds and spindle end repairs?
A spindle end repair is a rare service offered by only a few auto repair shops in the United States. HRA not only has has the equipment to service this specialty repair, our team’s collective 75 years experience also provides the expertise to get this specialty job done.
If you’re looking for custom axle builds, our team is here to help. We’re able to customize an axle to whatever the car owner needs, be it for their hotrods or off-road vehicles, you name it.
Can Houston Rebuilt Axles ship rebuilt axles and other components to customers in Lexington?
Of Course! Vehicle owners can ship their axle for repair straight to our shop in Houston through our courier delivery service. Our door to door courier shipping is available nationwide and is able to ship the rebuilt axle to your home or an auto repair shop of your choice for easy installation.
If you’re looking for repair shops, here are a few highly recommended spots on our list in the area:
1) Tony’s Automotive Repair Center is a one-stop shop for fast, friendly, hassle-free car care. Their team has been regarded as highly reputable and operates their repairs with integrity you can trust. Their shop hours are 8am – 5:30pm, Monday to Friday.
2) Abe’s Foreign Car Repair Service specializes in foreign automotive repair but also service domestic automotive needs too. Their shop is open 8am – 5:30pm, Monday to Friday.
Tony's Automotive Repair Center
85 reviews - See More
Abe's Foreign Car Repair Service
23 reviews - See More
Tony’s Automotive Repair Center, 857 Angliana Ave Lexington, KY 40508
Abe’s Foreign Car Repair Service, 825 Lane Allen Rd Lexington, KY 40504